iTunesFolderWatch 2.1
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295 KB

iTunesFolderWatch 2.1

This application allows you to setup Watch Folders
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2.1.16 See all
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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295 KB

iTunesFolderWatch is yet another application that enhances the iTunes experience. iTunes is a great application, and it works extremely well in Mac, but not so much in Windows. Some issues aside, there are functionality problems here and there. This particular application attempts to fix a nagging issue for music lovers. Most of them have several folders with tons of files, and iTunes scans only some specific folders. Even so, sometimes it fails to add the files that you add to that folder into iTunes. You can add those files manually, but iTunesFolderWatch is here to save you some time. The application will install itself and run from the background or your tray. It will constantly scan folders for new files and add them to iTunes when it finds some. It can even add the files to a certain playlist. There are a lot of options for you to modify. Most of them allow you to carry out specific operations when a file is found. The free version does not limit you in the number of songs that you can scan automatically but it disables some advanced features like background scanning, which means that you will have to open the application every time you want to scan for new files. Not a big issue, though.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
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Review summary


  • Great for any music collector


  • None

Comments (2)


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I just wondered whether Hare is still advantagous in Windows 7, since this software hasn't been updated for ages...

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Sometimes it's boring to find and update our iTunes library, this program makes it easy

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  • Itunes add ons
  • Itunes 1.11